We are AIIP: Elizabeth Hutchinson

In your bio, you describe yourself as a school library specialist. In two sentences, what does a school library specialist do?
I provide training and support for school staff members wishing to learn about the value that school libraries and librarians can bring to teaching and learning. The librarian focuses on the school’s educational purpose and engages in and supports the students’ educational journeys.
My training focuses on the five core instructional activities of the school librarian as stated in the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) School Library Guidelines (2015):
- Literacy and Reading Promotion
- Media and Information Literacy Instruction
- Inquiry-based learning models
- Technology Integration
- Professional development for teachers.
I also use FOSIL (Framework of Skills for Inquiry Learning) to give school librarians a clearer understanding of their role.
 In what kinds of situations do clients decide they need a school library specialist?
I have two very different types of clients. One set are senior leaders who are looking to understand the role of their school library and librarian better. They tend to be Head Teachers/Principals who know they want change but are unsure what steps are needed to achieve their vision. They may need more support than they realise when they reach out because they often don’t know what they can achieve until they have spoken to me. Some are starting from scratch, creating a school library from nothing, and others are ready to embrace change and need support to implement it.
The second set are school librarians. They vary in qualifications, time worked in school libraries, and understanding of their own role. They often come looking for me when they need inspiration, personal support, and guidance. They need to see a vision of what their school library could offer and then to craft a plan to help make it happen. Many join my training membership group; it offers generic training and brings school librarians together to discuss various areas of learning, enabling them to grow in confidence by talking to each other.
What does a school library specialist need to succeed?
School library specialists need a well-rounded understanding of school libraries and education. This understanding is often acquired through working in a school library or school library service company. An understanding of teaching is also useful, so a qualification in teaching alongside librarianship is recommended. It is essential to stay up to date with what is going on in school libraries and education both locally and internationally, so I recommend joining professional organisations such as Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) and IFLA. Of course, building up personal learning networks facilitates learning from others within the profession and beyond.Â
Elizabeth Hutchinson has been an infopreneur since 2019. She founded Engaging and Empowering School Libraries in 2022 a membership that offers school librarians support and training to help bring the library into focus and add value within the curriculum. She can be contacted via info@elizabethahutchinson.com