The AIIP Awards Committee, chaired by Arthur Weiss with Michele Bate and Tom Wolff as judges, manages the nominations and the selection of the Sue Rugge and Pam Wegmann Award winners. Our president, Judith Binder, recommended the recipient of the Marilyn M. Levine AIIP President’s Award.
In memory of the award’s first recipient, the AIIP President’s Award was renamed in 2010 as the Marilyn M. Levine AIIP President’s Award. This award is presented at the recommendation of the President to recognize a person or institution demonstrating extraordinary support of the objectives of the association.
This year we recognized the 2019-2020 Virtual Events committee, comprising co-chairs Elizabeth McLean and Kelly Berry, and members Mary Ellen Bates and Betty Nordeng.
AIIP’s Webinar Committee was transformed into the Virtual Events Committee in January 2019, in response to requests from our members for different ways to present valuable content and provide virtual networking opportunities. Since that time, Kelly, Elizabeth, Mary Ellen, and Betty have imagined, created, tested, tried, evaluated, and improved AIIP’s virtual events program with creativity and grace. Their hard work and dedication have been invaluable to making this member benefit a huge success.
The Sue Rugge Memorial Award recalls the memory of Sue, who was widely regarded as the pioneer of the independent information industry. She was an active member of AIIP and served as president from 1988 to 1989. Beyond her principle endeavors, Sue is fondly remembered by many AIIP members as a mentor in the purest form. Sue passed away on June 12, 1999 in Oakland, California. This award is presented to a full member of AIIP who has significantly helped another member or members through formal or informal mentoring.
The 2020 winner of this year’s Sue Rugge Memorial Award is Jennifer Burke.
Deb Hunt, who nominated Jennifer, highlights how even highly experienced members benefit from the collegial approach of AIIP:
“From the moment I met Jennifer at an AIIP conference some years ago, I knew she was going to be an influence for good in AIIP and beyond … She is smart, patient and passionate about her work and helping others to do their work better … Jennifer’s combination of selflessness, fun and professionalism is rare and makes her a valuable asset to AIIP, our profession, and her colleagues.”
Jennifer represents the unique spirit of sharing expertise, experience, and knowledge to advance the independent information profession that is Sue Rugge’s legacy.
The Pam Wegmann Award recognizes a member who demonstrates extraordinary support of AIIP’s global presence. Pam, who served as an AIIP President from 2002 to 2003, was particularly interested in AIIP’s role as a global leader in the information industry.
The 2020 winner of the Pam Wegmann Award is Marydee Ojala.
Amelia Kassel, who nominated her, remembers Marydee’s presence at every Online International-UK conference, tirelessly promoting AIIP and broadening our international membership. Amelia noted, “Marydee Ojala is and has been a stalwart supporter of AIIP for as long as I can remember, especially on the international scene.”
Marydee has been an AIIP member since 1987 and has held board positions as Secretary and Treasurer. She inspires members to follow in her footsteps and promote AIIP as they travel the world.
For more information about how AIIP recognizes contributions to the industry, to the association, and to individual members, please visit the Awards page.
Phyllis Smith serves as the Secretary of AIIP’s Board of Directors. She is a partner in ITKVector Inc. in Canada.