Recipes for Business Progress

In December, AIIP members met for one of our regular virtual Recipes for Business Progress sessions. Everyone shared their ideas and asked questions about practical, hands-on techniques that can help us improve our businesses, and this event focused on planning for the next year.
The Recipes for Business Progress sessions use a framework as the basis for discussion. First, we talk about the ingredients we need to set up our recipe. Just as when cooking a meal, it is essential to gather all the various basics to get off to a good start.
When we’ve collected the ingredients, we move on to the utensils. For our recipes, these are usually tools, both digital and physical, that we can incorporate to work together with the ingredients to create our recipe.
The final section of a recipe session focuses on instructions, the how-to-do-this part of our cooking. Having the best ideas and tools isn’t necessarily helpful if we don’t find out how to put them to good use.
The Recipes for Business Progress events give our members a chance to interact in a way that is personable, pleasant and still provides us great insights into improving our businesses. Since there is no presentation and everyone enjoys participating, we co-create our plans, and we can implement them in our businesses as we choose.
Check out the results of our recent session with all the tools, ingredients, and instructions for planning for the next business year.

Rhonda L. Bowen is a communication guide with over 30 years’ experience working with people from more than 70 countries. Since 1988, she has brought insights and support to thousands of BEST professionals (business, engineering, science and technology) to help them save resources and enhance their success.