Building Online Communities from the Ground Up
Creating and nurturing online communities are indispensable tools for info professionals. As a solopreneur and owner of a business that provides a membership option, I was excited to hear Susan Tenby give a presentation on community building at AIIP 2024 Symposium. Susan has worked in online community management for over 20 years; as the original Online Community Manager of TechSoup, she launched its community and social media presence. She has played a pivotal role in developing and growing numerous online communities, fostering connections and empowering individuals to collaborate and create positive change. I knew her talk would be perfect for me; she shared valuable strategies and insights for building effective online communities that engage members and foster meaningful interactions.
The Essence of Community Building
Community building starts with understanding what a community means to its members. While all communities share basic concepts, there are unique needs and expectations in each. The cornerstone of successful community building is using the collective knowledge and interests of the group to create a space where members feel valued and engaged – the follower count is less important than engagement.
Five Key Strategies for Community Engagement
- One of the most effective ways to keep community members engaged is nurturing a culture that values curiosity and delight. Use interactive content like trivia, quizzes, and themed events. Make it fun, educational, and participatory. Members want a sense of belonging and having invested in the community. I’m eager to try some of these in my business – they’re things I could easily include.
- Consistency is key to community engagement. Regular updates and shareable content keep the community alive and dynamic – things like organized content, branded hashtags for increasing visibility, and social media handles for broader outreach can significantly enhance engagement. Looking for ways for community members to disseminate information within their networks – for example, with resource “share kits” – grows the community’s reach. I have asked my members for “shares” like this but the idea of making it easy for them is inspiring!
- Authentic interactions are vital. Communities thrive when members can connect over shared interests and experiences in a space that respects and promotes authenticity. Community events – like “Ask Me Anything” sessions – can provide members with direct access to thought leaders and peers. Letting your own members share their expertise gives them a platform to highlight their achievements.
- Technology apps can engage participants and make them active community members. Using platforms that support video, live events, and real-time feedback transform passive participants into active ones. Tools like Feedly, LinkedIn or Facebook effectively engage the community and keep it well-informed. Maybe it is time for me to revisit live events. I tried a couple but felt silly talking to myself. I prefer the safety of recorded Zooms, but it’s definitely worth having another look.
- Onboarding processes are crucial for welcoming new members. Regular newsletters, weekly summaries, and guided tours can help them navigate the community resources effectively. Recognition through badges, spotlights, or town hall features motivate and contribute to a lively community environment. I recently created a welcome video for my community members. I had not thought about doing more but it seems like this is how members engage these days.
Building an online community is ongoing – it requires dedication, strategic planning, and a deep understanding of the community’s needs. Infopros can use the five strategies to create vibrant, sustainable communities. They enhance knowledge sharing and professional growth and help build networks of engaged, empowered individuals. I am very grateful that Susan shared her expertise with us. For me it was a big encouragement to be more proactive and creative.
Elizabeth Hutchinson has been an infopreneur since 2019. In 2022, she founded Engaging and Empowering School Libraries, a membership organization that provides support and training to school librarians and schools, helping to integrate the library into the heart of the curriculum. She can be contacted via email at