By Mary Ellen Bates As I write this, I am getting ready to head out to Milwaukee for a few days of quality in-person time with fellow infopreneurs at AIIP’s Annual Conference, and I realize that I need to freshen up my 10-second introduction.
By Mary Ellen Bates As I write this, I am getting ready to head out to Milwaukee for a few days of quality in-person time with fellow infopreneurs at AIIP’s Annual Conference, and I realize that I need to freshen up my 10-second introduction.
By Tanya Humphrey In your bio, you describe yourself as a Competitive Intelligence Consultant. Briefly, what is competitive intelligence (CI), and what does a CI consultant do? CI involves gathering and analyzing information about a company’s industry, business environment, competitors, and products, with the goal of having the findings direct its future strategy. A CI… Read More »
By the AIIP External Communications Committee “Invest in yourself and your business.” Those are the encouraging words from AIIP president Denise Carter for anyone looking to start or grow an independent information business. One way to make that investment is to attend AIIP’s annual conference in April. We’re meeting in person for the first time… Read More »
By Mary Ellen Bates Why do our repeat clients come back to us? While we would like to believe it’s because of our breathtaking analysis, our brilliant marketing campaign, or our unique training program, it’s often something simpler – we’re easy to work with. We make it easier for our clients to come back to… Read More »
By Eric Ziecker You describe yourself as a Knowledge Organization System (KOS) navigation guide. Briefly, what does a KOS navigation guide do? A KOS navigator applies information structure and classification to the data in a database so that clients spend less time looking for information and more time using it.
By Roger Magnus As business owners, we frequently strive to put ourselves in our clients’ shoes. This is a good thing because we learn more about how we are perceived. The process of self-discovery can help us come up with new and innovative solutions for our clients.
AIIP members share their insights and experiences from attending AIIP’s Annual Conference. Our next conference is April 27-30, 2023, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Virtual attendance options are also available. Conference registration is now open.
By the AIIP External Communications Committee This week marks the 15th anniversary of Global Entrepreneurship Week, celebrated around the world each November. We take this opportunity to review benefits of membership in AIIP. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.” At AIIP we… Read More »
Association of Independent
Information Professionals
8550 United Plaza Blvd.
Suite 1001
Baton Rouge, LA 70809