AIIP: Celebrating and Supporting Global Entrepreneurs
Miriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.” No one ever said it was easy, but the thrill and satisfaction that come from owning and managing your own business are worth every bit of the effort. And having a solid network in your corner can greatly improve your chances of success.
For more than 30 years, AIIP’s global member network has proven to offer this type of beneficial support. We are a group of independent business owners who support each other by sharing knowledge about developing and maintaining our businesses, in addition to sharing expertise and resources to provide top-notch services to our clients. Because our members specialize in many different practice areas, we are able draw on each other for additional expertise to provide our clients with the resources they need to meet their goals.
Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely endeavor, but our AIIP network keeps us tethered to others who have experienced the same ebbs, flows, and challenges. Whether you are just starting out or are a more seasoned business owner, AIIP provides the solid support system that can help your business grow and thrive.
Here are just some of the ways that AIIP membership supports info-entrepreneurs:
- Members connect together through AIIP-L, our private email discussion list, where we can freely exchange ideas and resources. From best tools for accounting to assistance with specialized chemical searching, some long-time members have stated that these discussions are worth the price of membership alone.
- Virtual events, including webinars and our Info Pro Café discussions, showcase experts in different practice areas who share information on a variety of topics such as “Honing your Elevator Pitch,” “Finding your Niche,” and “Information Architecture: Methods for a Content Overhaul.”
- Peer-to-Peer programs provide various opportunities for mentoring, with short- and long-term options for connection, ranging from “Kick Starter Conversations” to one-year mentoring. Each peer-to-peer relationship is customized for optimal learning.
At AIIP, we are tied together by our drive to provide timely, accurate, and actionable information, analysis, design, review, and strategy for our clients. We are independent business owners who thrive on being connected to others like us who can share the joys and challenges of being an entrepreneur. And together, we celebrate and support global entrepreneurship.
Jennifer Pflaumer serves as AIIP’s 2020-2021 president. She launched her information management consultancy, Paroo, in 2009 after realizing the need for concentrated information management solutions for businesses across all industries. Her expertise includes liaising between key business groups and IT departments to manage digital assets, creating information strategies and performing systems analysis and design.