AIIP Bolsters Business Success for Global Entrepreneurs

By the AIIP External Communications Committee
This post was originally published in November 2022. It’s been updated and reposted to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week, November 13-19.
This week marks the 16th anniversary of Global Entrepreneurship Week, celebrated around the world each November. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an entrepreneur as “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.” At AIIP we know all about the work that entrepreneurs take on and about the thrill and satisfaction that are derived from owning and managing your own business.
Over its 36-year history, AIIP’s global members – independent information business owners and entrepreneurs, aka solopreneurs or infopreneurs – have supported each other in building and maintaining their businesses as well as sharing expertise and resources that benefit their clients. AIIP members specialize in many different practice areas and can draw on each other for additional expertise to provide clients with the resources needed to meet their strategic goals.
Some of the ways in which AIIP membership supports infopreneurs include:
- AIIP-L, our private email discussion list, lets us freely exchange ideas and resources. Discussions can range from best practices in running a business to the latest impacts on infopreneurs from AI. Some long-time members have said these discussions are worth the price of membership alone.
- Peer-to-Peer programs provide various opportunities for mentoring, with short-term and long-term options for connection, ranging from “Kick Starter Conversations” to “Get It Done Groups” to one-year mentoring processes. Each peer-to-peer relationship is customized for optimal learning.
- Virtual learning events and program recordings, including webinars and our Info Pro Café discussions, showcase experts in different practice areas who share information on many topics such as running and growing your business, tools of the trade, and information skills.
- Networking through the above-listed programs as well as our annual symposium each April provides welcome opportunities to discover each other and interact. Our 2024 Annual Symposium is April 18-21 in St. Louis.
At AIIP, we are tied together by our drive to provide solutions and assistance to our clients — whether they need hard data or strategies. We thrive on being connected to others like us who can share in the joys and challenges of being an entrepreneur.
You can check out additional benefits of AIIP membership on our membership benefits page. AIIP offers several different membership levels.
Being an entrepreneur can be a lonely endeavor, but the AIIP network keeps us tethered to others who have experienced everything we have, and then some. Whether you are just starting out or are a more seasoned business owner, AIIP provides the solid support system that can help your business —not to mention you — grow and thrive.
Together, we celebrate and support global entrepreneurship during #GEW23.