2022 Annual Conference: AIIP Awards Ceremony
The 2022 AIIP awards were given out at our annual conference on April 27th by Awards Chair Arthur Weiss to deserving individuals who have helped strengthen AIIP. It was his special task to give himself one of the awards! Many thanks are due to those who took part in the nominating process. Details at AIIP Awards that Acknowledge Industry Contributions.
Sue Rugge Memorial Award – given to someone who supports the careers of AIIP members
Arthur Weiss has contributed his expertise and assistance to countless AIIP members over the years. Over and above his work to share knowledge worldwide in seminars and courses, Arthur is a reliable source of unique insight into and deep knowledge of information and intelligence sources for fellow AIIP members. A prolific writer for professional publications, Arthur is a friend and colleague who enriches the work of everyone who approaches him. As the nominator stressed, Sue Rugge would have been proud of his distinguished body of work and his support to information professionals.
Pam Wegmann International Award – given to an international member
Denise Carter has served AIIP in many ways in the time she has been a member, jumping in without hesitation to take committee and leadership roles. Active on the discussion list, Denise generously shares her expertise with fellow members and acts as a source of encouragement to her colleagues. AIIP members are fortunate to have the energy and dedication of Denise, and she richly deserves to be recognized for her contributions and her loyalty.
Marilyn M. Levine AIIP President’s Award – given to a person or institution having demonstrated extraordinary support of the objectives of AIIP
The Marilyn M. Levine AIIP President’s Award, formerly called the AIIP President’s Award, was renamed in 2010 to honor AIIP’s founder and the first award recipient Marilyn M. Levine. President Karen Klein this year honored June Boyle, as a dedicated supporter and unwavering ambassador of AIIP over the years. As chair of the 2022 Annual Conference, June demonstrated leadership, flexibility, and resolve when it became clear that an in-person conference was in jeopardy due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Quickly, she created a viable plan for a virtual event that included the rich programming and ample networking time that AIIP members expect and appreciate. Prior to serving as the 2022 Conference Chair, June has supported AIIP in many volunteer and leadership roles.
Ulla de Stricker (https://www.destricker.com) has been a member of and volunteer in AIIP for many years. Her firm offers a range of knowledge management and translation services.